It played a key role in the origin of the frost giants and the primordial cow Audhumla, who sustained Ymir with her nourishing milk.

Niflheim also serves as the backdrop for a variety of mythological events and figures. The collision of its bone-chilling cold with the sweltering heat of Muspelheim facilitated the emergence of life, culminating in the creation of the first living being, Ymir. Niflheim was one of the first two realms to emerge from the primordial void known as Ginnungagap.

The primary inhabitants of this frosty dominion are the primordial ice giant Ymir and his descendants, embodying the elemental force of ice. It's a realm of perpetual darkness and pervasive mist, hosting a myriad of freezing rivers and ice-covered lakes. The landscape of Niflheim is depicted as a frozen wasteland, with its seemingly endless expanses cloaked in glaciers, ice, and frost. Located at the northernmost extremity of the cosmic tree Yggdrasil, Niflheim is in direct opposition to the fiery world of Muspelheim. There are many retelling of the Norse myths and legends, including most recently Norse Myths, Tales of Odin, Thor and Loki by Kevin Crossley Holland, with illustrations by Jeffrey Alan Love and Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman.Niflheim is often represented as a land permeated by an almost palpable chill, encapsulated by ice, cold, and mist. Further myths include Three Monstrous Children, The Death of Balder, Thor goes fishing and T he Apples of Immortality. Our 1001 includes other Norse myths - The Treasures of the Gods, Thor Loses His Hammer, Thor and Utgard LokiĪnd Ragnarok. This story is told in three poems in the Poetic Edda and a version is found in the Prose Edda. The second manuscript, known as the Poetic or Elder Edda, is a collection of poems by unknown authors, which date back earlier than the skaldic poetry (to 800-1100AD) and are generally dramatic mythological poems. A section of it tells the story of Gyfli the king of the Swedes who visits Asgard, home of the gods, where the gods tell him tales about the beginning of the world, the adventures of the gods and what will happen when the world ends. He wrote it to preserve the stories of the Icelandic skalds (or court poets). The first, known as the Prose Edda, was written by Snorri Sturluson. The Norse poems and myths were told orally by poets and storytellers for many centuries before they were first written down in the 13 th century in one of two manuscripts.

They are stories that show how the Norsemen saw the world. In between are stories of god and giants, men and dwarves, shapeshifters, tricksters, monsters. The Norse myths are a great linked cycle of stories, which begins with the creation of the world and finishes with the end of the world at Ragnarok. The Norse creation myth is a dramatic and poetic story of gods and giants. They created man and woman from two fallen trees and the gods, the giants and the men lived in three linked worlds, all contained within the roots and branches of the great tree Yggdrasil.

His bones became mountains and his teeth became rocks, his blood became lakes and seas and they flung his skull into the air to form the sky and threw sparks from the fire to create the stars and light the world. When the gods killed the giant Ymir they used his body to create the world. The great cow Audumla emerged as the ice melted and licked the ice to form the gods - and the gods and the giants fought from the very beginning. Ice flowed south and fire flowed north and where they met they merged to form the mighty Frost Giant, Ymir.